Voluntary Donations

Voluntary Donations
Why this scheme?
Mercy Secondary School Mounthawk has a long wish list of projects necessary for the school to ensure that the holistic aims of its educational mission are attained. For instance, this year we will need to replace the computers in Computer Room 2 as they are now 8 years old and cannot cope with the increased demands of new operating systems and the speed required for broadband downloads. The estimated cost is €15,000. We need to continue to restock the library – €2,000 per annum, the playing pitches need to be reseeded and sanded – estimated cost €10,000. Delivering on our wish list and the key funding demands mentioned below is a major challenge for our school and particularly so in the more strained financial times we are facing.
The school, the Board of Management and the Parents’ Council are working together to meet this challenge. Following discussions over the past year we are launching a new funding initiative to help meet the cost of these capital projects in the school. We are asking parents/guardians to contribute financial support by way of a voluntary contribution of €250 or more. This is a different contribution from the administration fee which is requested from all parents and is used to cover administration costs – (outlined in the student journal). Monies from this new scheme will be used for specific projects within the school, of a structural or educational nature – rather than for supporting daily or annual running costs.
Why €250.00
This contribution of €250 is significant since contributions of €250 or more qualify for tax relief enhancing the overall value of the scheme by approximately 30%. In order to avail of the tax relief, the contributions must be received within the one tax year – in this case by in December 2009 for this next academic year.
How can I find out more about the tax relief?
Full information on the tax procedures surrounding the scheme can be downloaded from the Revenue website – Tax Relief or from this Scheme Explanation
What do I have to do to contribute?
If you are interested in making a donation, please fill the form downloadable from thislink and return it to the school.
Payment can be made in one payment which should be made, if possible, before the end of October 2009. If you prefer to pay by staged payment, a direct debit form can be provided – allowing for 4 stage payments of €65 per month for 4 months – download from this link. In either case, the tax rebate form must be submitted with the payment in order for the rebate to be claimed.
Is it confidential?
We wish parents to know that the fund into which your contributions go is financially accountable and transparent and is administered by the school. All contributions and participation is private and confidential. All contributions will be acknowledged by the issue of a receipt.