State Examinations Information

LC and JC 2023
The SEC has provided for changes for curriculum and Assessment for the 2023 State Examinations and produced a booklet detailing those changes – connect here
LC and JC 2023 Assessment Arrangements
The results will be given out at the school from 11:30 on Friday 25th September.
Information for Leaving Certificate Candidates – viewing and reviewing of scripts
There are changes this year to the process for viewing and reviewing scripts and you need to familiarise yourself with the details.
- Visit in order to register to access the range of online services.
- Read the Candidate Information Booklet
- Please be aware that some subjects can only be viewed online and will not be sent to the school.
Assessment in the Junior Cycle
Assessment in the Junior Cycle
The new grade system for Junior Cycle written exams is as given below. As the New Junior Cycle is phased in students will have a mixture of ‘old’ (Junior Certificate) and ‘new’ (Junior Cycle) grades on their JCPA.
Junior Certificate Classroom Based Assessments
Classroom Based Assessments (CBAs) provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their learning and skills in ways not possible in a pen and paper examination, for example, their verbal communication and investigation skills. CBAs will be undertaken in subjects and short courses and will be facilitated by the classroom teacher. They will be undertaken during a defined time period within normal class contact time and to a national timetable. Students will complete one CBA in second year and one in third year in most subjects.
CBAs will be reported on in the JCPA using the following descriptors:
Exceptional describes a piece of work that reflects all of the Features of Quality for the Classroom Based Assessment to a very high standard. While not necessarily perfect, the strengths of the work far outstrip its flaws, which are minor. Suggestions for improvement are easily addressable by the student.
Above Expectations
Above expectations describes a piece of work that reflects the Features of Quality for the Classroom Based Assessment very well. The student shows a clear appreciation of purpose and register, and the work is praised for its consistency. Feedback from the teacher might point to the necessity to address some aspect of the work in need of further attention or polishing, but, on the whole the work is of a high standard.
In Line with Expectations
In line with expectations describes a piece of work that reflects most of the Features of Quality for the Classroom-Based Assessment well. It shows a good understanding of the task in hand and is free from significant error. Feedback might point to areas needing further attention or correction, but the work is generally competent and accurate.
Yet to Meet Expectations
Yet to meet expectations describes a piece of work that falls someway short of the demands of the Classroom-Based Assessment and its associated Features of Quality. Perhaps the student has made a good attempt, but the task has not been grasped clearly or is marred by significant lapses. Feedback will draw attention to fundamental errors that need to be addressed.